Victoria has seen four lockdowns between 2020 and 2021 thus far, as a result of COVID-19.
The first part of the exhibition explores digital illustrations, while the second part of the exhibition explores black and white photography. Importantly, the black and white theme speaks to the audience of the difficulty of the lockdowns and how the necessary, but overwhelming restrictions removed the colour from the lives of many Victorians to some degree. Finally, both parts of Emerge: Art from Lockdown acknowledges the rise of digital art in this modern tech-heavy world by showcasing digital art via an online platform exclusively.
This exhibition brings together emerging Muslim artists from all over Melbourne to share the art that they created, during some of the hardest times that Victorians have ever faced. These artworks explore a variety of themes and narratives, such as social justice, God, technology, isolation and finding comfort in the small things in life. They demonstrate how the lockdowns have impacted people in different ways. Emerge: Art from Lockdown is divided into two components.
Technology has played a key role in keeping Victorians occupied, employed and connected during the lockdowns. Thus, to honour that Emerge: Art from Lockdown is born.